Tuesday 17 May 2016

9 Epic Pictures Depicting The Reality Of Life After Marriage. #5 Is Terribly True

Love is eternal. No one is arguing that. People have beautiful and intimate ways to express their love for their partners, ways to make them feel special and loved in all possible ways. 
But, there's only one thing that can change this. I'm not talking about the bond or the love the couple shares. I'm talking about the tiny changes that give you the feeling that marriage has crept into your love life. Read on to find it out!

1. I Love You.The way couples respond to the sweet I love you changes as well. After the wedding, you hear it less frequently. It's more about expressing your love in ways to help and keep your partner happy rather than just saying it. Exepressing love is an art. Well, after marriage the art takes interesting turns! 

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